
January 1, 2011

Well another year behind me. Reflections of 2010 mixed with anticipation of 2011 compete for my thoughts today. Both are equally enticing to me. 2010 was filled with wonderful opportunities for growth. And I am pleased that I actually responded positively to the opportunities. I didn't run from my fears, my anxieties. I didn't turn away and return to the comfort and safety of the status quo. The status quo that has kept me imprisoned for as long as I can remember. No. Not 2010. I heard the call from within and I said yes despite the internal naysayers warning me of the dangers of stepping completely out of my comfort zone. The dialogue between the multiple camps was fierce at times. BUT...happily the part of me desirous for "stepping into larger shoes" prevailed in many amazing ways. The resultant gifts to my expanding self cannot be understated. 2010 was a year of growth beyond measure for me. I have come a long way baby.

What I accomplished in 2010 is deeply personal. Perhaps others would look at my list and at face value think "big deal". That's okay. We all have a personal measuring stick of sorts. Nobody else is on the same path. My problems are unique to me. The point is I am on the path and attempting to bring as much conscious awareness to the journey as possible. Slaying personal dragons. There. Are. So. Many. Dragons. Thankfully in 2010 I faced the dragons with a solid sense of understanding of the necessity to look each dragon in the eye and do what I needed to do to defeat each one as they crossed my path. One at a time. Each unique experience of growth --and consequent slaying--was at once exhilarating and exhausting. I have never felt so alive!!!

I will return later today to provide some concrete examples...

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