Happy Birthday Mystery Man!!

Well...today is my soulmate, my compadre, my lover, my husband's 49th birthday!! He is a beacon of light as I wander through my own darkness. He provides comfort, reassurance, love, warmth, grounding...as well as opportunities for me to heal my "stuff". I love this man deeply. So thankful to have him in my life.

I wanted to put a picture of he and I on here however I know Joe likes his privacy. I'm hoping he is okay with this 'non descript' pic. It gives only a hint of what he actually looks like but also, to me, describes him well. Mysterious...runner!! Lol. I had to take this pic after he came in from a long run on a 'freeze your buns off' kind of morning. I love this 'mystery' man!!!

1 comment:

  1. Namaste my sister Mary. I like the way you write. It has been a pleasure to read your thoughts today. I invite you to follow my site, so that we may enjoy your point of view.

    In Lak' ech, sister Mary, love in prose...
