Opening Up

February 2, 2011

"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin

I have recently begun to realize the deep desire I have to open myself up and BE who I am despite my fear that others may reject me...

I have been so humbled and yet encouraged by some amazing blogs I have stumbled upon the last few days.

I am in awe of the incredible women who are not afraid to show who they are...hopes, dreams, wounds and all. The stories are truthful, articulate and creative. So Beautiful!

...It has been so helpful to read the words/the stories...thank you...


  1. Mary, thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm grateful that you left your blog addy on the comment because it led me right here to your place, your journey. You have an incredible ability to bring your feelings to life through your words. I can truly relate to your fears of "opening up". I'm still seeking ME, the whole woman, the person that lives inside me. I'm trying to get to know her, day by day, and experience by experience. I have been on a revealing journey for about two years. I agree that it is indeed encouraging to read life's lessons and stories written by others.. it has helped me tremendously in my quest for healing.

    Sending you hope for self-discovery. Best wishes,

  2. Roxy,

    Thank you for kind words. Your blog was one that I was thinking of when I wrote this post. Your blog is amazing Roxy! I am attempting to "find my way" in the blogging world this year. My blog is a work in progess (just like me...ha!)as I learn more from women like you. Again thank you for your kindness. It is nice to hear from other women who are on a similar path of self-discovery...

  3. open wide!

    I used to feel that way a long time ago. Blogging has helped me to be more open. It was a burning desire for me at one point in time. is so much apart of me to be open and brutally honest about myself & my life.

    And I honestly don't care what other think of me, because what I think of myself matters most of all.
