Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings with my hubby (Joe btw) often have the feel of a spiritual experience. Notice I said often...we are still a married couple and well, they can't all feel spiritual. (And there are some who might say those Sundays when we are less than spiritually connected are perhaps more rich with the possibility of understanding and increased personal awareness.) Fortunately for me, for us, this Sunday is not one of those Sundays where I have to learn something the hard way. We are enjoying coffee, conversation (both light conversation--hey let me tell you about my dream last night and deep--hey let me tell you about my dream last night). And if any of you have spent time trying to understand yourself better through the lens of Jungian theory/analysis--you know that a conversation about said dream can be both of those options. But I digress.

So, anyways, as I was sitting here with Joe discussing the contents of his trek into the unconscious last night (dream), I once again was aware of the wondrous, mysterious nature of our connection. It is a connection that seems to transcend all the trivial routines and 'autopilot' dialogue which necessarily occurs throughout the week. In return for our commitment to attend to this important connection on these quiet mornings (usually commencing at 7am and lasting several hours) we reap the benefits of communion not only with each other but also with the Source that has provided us with the opportunity!

Oh in case you're curious about the pics, our communion time also can include some yummy homemade vegan bakery like blueberry banana bread or mini donuts.

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